Friday, March 06, 2020

And I have baby peas plants!!!  None of my seeds in the greenhouse are sprouting, but lots of pea plants in the garden are!  (We've been in the 70's the last couple of weeks, and zero rain for February.....another drought year???)

Ralph put a nix on Alec and I replacing the door - he had Chris look at it instead.  It's probably better, so I'll find another home project for us to do!  Chris was by dropping off the bid for painting the house, so this year is going to be expensive!  We haven't done much up-keep maintenance in the 20+ years we've owned the house, so it's time....the pool fence has been replaced, the pool is being resurfaced this month, we're replacing the roof, and painting the house. Ka-ching!!!  We redid the yard a few years ago, so we should be good for another 20 years after this.....

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