Wednesday, May 20, 2020

We did it!  We got all of the PPP loans on the books - and even a couple of days ahead of the deadline!  There were over 600 loans that we prepared loan documents for and booked in less than a month - talk about exhausting!  I've been at the computer from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. every day except the weekends lately.  Weekends have been better - only 6 - 8 a day then, instead of 12.  But - we are done with the heavy lifting!  I still have a lot of things to sort our, balance, correct, etc., but....we are as back to normal as we can be!  Whew!  

I even took time out for a walk at lunch yesterday (instead of eating at my desk.....) and surprised the resident ducks on the creek.

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