Sunday, April 12, 2020

My new shopping outfit - just too cool for words - actually, too warm for words. I really hope we are out of this before our summer heat hits.... 

I've been trying really hard to take a walk with the dogs each day - otherwise I'm at the computer from 6:30 to 6:30 - and it's only going to get worse....I had a two hour conference call on Saturday to set up the procedures for handling the hundreds of loans headed our way due to the Payroll Protection Program.  We aren't able to keep up right now - much less adding the "hundreds" of loans to our list!  I figure by the time we actually get all the loans processed, the borrowers will start requesting 'forgiveness' of the loans, and they'll be paid off.  I love that we are putting money back in to our community for payrolls, but I really wish it wasn't so much work for everyone!

Here's a few shots of my walk on Friday:

My new work-buddy.  He'll sit in my lap if I let him -otherwise, he's at my feet.

I had to close the blinds in the computer room - Luna was hanging out with me in here, and then would start barking when she saw someone walking down the street (and a lot of people are walking nowadays!)  She kept giving me a heart attack!  Now she watches from the dining room, and she isn't right behind me when she barks - that's something at least.  

Last Tuesday we had our Credit Admin meeting - where we go around the "room" (it was a room when we could all meet together) and report on our department.  About the time Bob asked "So Deni, how's LAS going?" one of the pool contractors knocked on the door.  Luckily, everyone on the call is working from home, and all have dogs (or kids) so they all just laughed.  It took a little bit before I could finish my "report on LAS"...

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