Sunday, September 23, 2018

Alex humored me yesterday and went hiking with me.  All these years, and I've never been to Kings Creek Falls at Lassen.  What a beautiful hike and falls!  I really want to go back in the Spring and see the meadows green and with flowers - not they weren't beautiful now, but.....

It's not a long hike - a little over a mile in.  There is a one-way looped trail, so you don't cover the same landscape coming back for most of the trip.  Note to self - any time you see a sign for a one-way trail, no horses allowed, think twice before taking was gorgeous, but....the steps are cut in to the stone of the mountain (hence the one way and no horses....) and it was steep!  I had to stop near the top and let my heart rate drop a bit before I continued.  I'm definitely out of shape!!!

The view off the trail:

Kings Creek near the start of the trail:

AJ and I called this a dragon tree - so cool how it grew so twisted.

More views:

AJ above the canyon - Kings Creek is down below.

AJ climbed down to another rock (and I do mean climbed.  I walked away and told him I didn't want to watch....)

We did see some wildlife....

And this is the top of the falls

And the falls:

Coming back - some wildflowers

A view of the trail steps

Another curiously shaped tree - and another view of the trail

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