Sunday, July 07, 2024

My phone registered 120 degrees yesterday, but the "official" temp for Redding was 119 - breaking the all-time record of 118.  Lucky us!  It's still going to be hot today - forecast to be 119 again.  The forecast doesn't have us dropping below 110 (as a high) until next Sunday, when we're back to our normal - 105 degrees.

So what do you do when it's an oven outside?  You quilt, and find a cute little chicken pincushion pattern.  This was my prototype, and needs some refinement, but it's pretty cute as-is.  (The beak is a bit large and the tail a bit small, not sure I like the beads used for the eyes, etc.)  It was a nice break from quilting - I have most of the blocks done for the Summer Block Party.  Since we are hot again today, that will probably be my project for the day...

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