Sunday, July 14, 2024

I made it to Georgia!  A long day Friday, trying to get the house (and me) ready to be gone for a week, and then flying out.  I flew out of Redding at 3:55 p.m., and got to Atlanta at 6:15 a.m.  I got more sleep than I thought I would in the flight, and then I picked up a rental car and drove an hours plus to Margene’s.  Luckily we took a nice walk in her neighborhood when I got in to stretch my legs a bit, and she has a lot of hills!

Margene said “Hi!”

We sat out that night around the fire pit (Jordan built a fire, but it was 90 degrees….we did not need a fire!) and chatted.  The fire pit is in the lower yard of her place.

Jorden grilled humongous steaks and Margene made fabulous sides for dinner.


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