Sunday, May 19, 2019

It's official!  I now work for Merchants Bank of Commerce - or at least when we open our doors on Monday, I will be.  I spent all day yesterday at work for the computer conversion for the bank we bought - Merchants National Bank of Sacramento - in January, and today I go in and change EVERYTHING from Redding Bank of Commerce to Merchants Bank of Commerce (I had no idea all the places the name or logo can hide....).  I do not advice changing computer programs and a name at the same time.  Both are major undertakings, and when added together, are a bit overwhelming.  Here's a screenshot of my computer when I left last night......

Besides working all day yesterday (and 10 hour days the last two weeks prepping for yesterday), we had a garage sale yesterday.  (I hate garage sales!!!)  It was 'The Big Event' here in the neighborhood, and Randy and Lori had two 'extra' houses of stuff to get rid of.  They brought two truckloads of stuff over, and AJ and I cleaned out stuff from the garage and guest house.  While we were cleaning the guest house, Chewie got in AJ's way, so he trashed him.....

We did pretty good - AJ said we got rid of most of my stuff (interior design items I would never use, candles, vases, etc.).  Since my whole intent was to reduce the crap I have, I win!  We didn't sell a couple of the big items I wanted out, but I'm not surprised.  We have an old Nordic Track and a Bowflex machine that no one uses, so they just take up space.  On to plan B for them.....

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