Thursday, October 22, 2009

I feel like the new lol cat picture - out of lack of interest, today has been canceled! I am ready for the weekend, and it is only Thursday! Even then, I am working at Nash's Ranch this Saturday from 10:00 to 2:00 - bummer. I enjoy it once I am there, but....I'd rather stay home! The scouts (and the parents!) are running the corn maze at the pumpkin patch, I go!

Dad is doing some better. He was moved out of the hospital to a rehab place in Reno yesterday. He isn't ready for the rehab in Susanville yet - kind of a half-way rehab for now. He still needs more medical attention than is standard. He isn't as delusional as he was, but now....he is cranky. At least when he was hallucinating, he was happy!

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