Monday, April 05, 2010

Allison was a perfect angel at Mom's, well, almost! I took just the VCR tapes we have for Pokemon, and....Mom's VCR player decided not to work. I should have brought the DVD's that we have, but....I wasn't really planning ahead, I guess! Alli did just fine with just the TV on cartoons though. I was impressed! She went out to visit Michelle with me too, and was on her best behavior.

She did have an awkward moment though. She was in watching TV while I was helping clean up the kitchen after breakfast, and when I went to check on her, she wasn't in the living room. As I rounded the corner to go look for her, I had a straight view into the bathroom. There, I could see two little feet waving over the edge of the tub. The rest of Allison was in the tub. Evidently, she had decided to take herself to the bathroom (yippee!) and had either leaned on the shower curtain thinking it was solid, or lost her balance and fell into it. She wasn't hurt, she was just stuck! I have no idea how long she was stuck, but she wasn't making any noise, just laying back and enjoying the view, I guess. She had a big smile on her face at least. Since she wasn't hurt, it was just too funny!

Mom's cat George was playing 'vulture kitty', just waiting for someone to walk by so he could pounce (or at least swat with a paw!) Check out his tail wrapped around his paws - too cute!

Here is little jar lid I made - it worked up very quickly. I'll keep this pattern in mind if I ever make jarred presents.

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