Monday, February 28, 2011

Ralph had a meeting in Sacramento last week, and he brought home a very cute 'reward'. His boss made up a large "R" and decorated it. It has 'Ralph' down one leg of the R, 'firefighter' and 'Hero' on it, and 'Mr. Fix-it' on it - too cute!

Back to work today. I don't feel like I got a lot done over the weekend, but I did get a lot of crafting done. I finished the afghan, made another flower scarf, and made most of the stuffed giraffe toy to go along with the afghan. The problem with just doing my crafts is that I see all the housework I didn't get done. Oh well, it will still be there tomorrow, I'm sure! Another problem to getting things done around the house is AJ's DS. He gave me his old hand-held computer game system, and found a game for me - Brain Games. I now have Suduko at my fingertips - bad idea! One more thing to do beside clean! (Like I needed an excuse!)

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