Tuesday, October 15, 2024

I took advantage of Indigenous People's Day yesterday - Alli's day program was open and the bank was closed, so Chris an I took Ripley up to Castle Lake for a short hike.  We were hoping for some fall colors, but the leaves are just starting to change - even in the higher elevations,   It was a beautiful day - the lake was so still that the reflections were amazing!  I did take a tumble on the trail, so am hobbling a bit today.  I twisted by right ankle in my fall, and am finding a few more areas today that I hit - like where my car keys were in my back pocket...ouch!


Monday, October 14, 2024

We had a jewelry/craft day yesterday here at the house.  Polly showed us how to make wire wrap rings, I made a pair of "cold forged" earrings, and a fleece pumpkin.  

Leona brought skull beads, so Polly made us all skull rings.

The fleece I picked up was  a set designed to make a blanket , so included two colors of fleece. 

I could only once one color though - Jessie took a nap on my orange fleece...

Saturday, October 12, 2024

On my walk with AJ and the dogs the other day, I found a blue jay feather on the ground - the lighting was just really cool!


Friday, October 11, 2024

I caught Ripley moving my rocks around in the back yard - her own feng shui. I took it through the screen, so it isn't the best quality, but I knew if I moved, she'd stop.  (Which wouldn't be a bad thing - leave the rocks alone!!!)


Thursday, October 10, 2024

Poor Luna is wearing the "cone of shame".  She has a hot spot on her backside, and a vet appointment on Saturday. In the meantime, she's in a collar.  She isn't happy, and James is concerned.


Wednesday, October 09, 2024

I was quilting the chicken quilt, turned my back for just a second to adjust something on the quilt, and James jumped up to take a nap.....right where the machine moves.  She was not happy when I made her move, but she would have been even more unhappy if I ran the sewing machine carriage into her.


Tuesday, October 08, 2024

My newest project on the design board - the Goose on the Loose quilt.  I'm making it is autumn colors, and have one set of block done already.  


Monday, October 07, 2024

A first for me - my store-bought tomatoes started sprouting inside the tomato.  At first glance, I was very, very scared....what is on my tomatoes!!!  A better look showed they were sprouts (not bugs as I first through, thank goodness!)  I had to look it up - it's called "vivipary" and if it wasn't headed into winter, I could grow new tomatoes.  


Sunday, October 06, 2024

I caught James just as she was heading for the tape!  She keeps "un-taping" my quilt for me - not a big help!  I now have the new chicken quilt on the cutie frame, ready for quilting, even with her help!


Thursday, October 03, 2024

Camouflaged frog....due to the unseasonably warm temps this year, we still have tons of frogs.  This guy was hiding in plain site....


Wednesday, October 02, 2024

The "Mystery quilt" was gifted to Robin last week, and she sent a picture of it being used.  Love it!


Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Another set of blocks done for the Sparkler Society (aka block-a-month club) are done.  Two more months left in the project, and I can hopefully get the quilt put together/finished by Christmas.  I had forgotten I had this to do, and almost fell a month behind - not a good thing.  The more complex blocks like this one take a bit of time to do.