Thursday, September 19, 2024

I finished up the baby bear hats, and made gift bags - these will go with me, and two quilts, to Roseburg next month - hopefully before K. has her baby (due at the end of October....)

I'll keep working on baby things between now and then, and maybe have a couple more items to add to the bags....

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The cacti near the field where we walk the dogs have huge fruit on them!  These were planted fairly recently and this is the first time I've seen them with fruit. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

We got rain in yesterday, right about the time I got off work and took the dogs for a walk....of course!  When I got back, I noticed that the hummers had drained the feeder - I filled it on Saturday!  I refilled it for them, and then noticed just how many hummers I had.  There were even more that I couldn't capture in either the pictures or the video - they were everywhere!  I think they are migrating, coming back into the valley for the winter.


Monday, September 16, 2024

The chicken quilt is getting closer!  I got all the quilt blocks done...

And borders around the chicken panels, sashings and corner stone cut.

I ordered some fabric yesterday to make a border (from the same fabric collection/designer) so the quilt will be a bit bigger when finished. Right now, it would be around 44" by 58", adding a border will make it around 56" by 70". I hope to get this part of the top completed before it come in, but no promises.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Yesterday was a productive day in the kitchen, as well as around the house.  AJ and I made a dump run (he did all the loading of "junk" while I fed Alli lunch - a big win for me!) and when we got back, he helped me make kimchi and homemade pasta/raviolis.  I love the homemade raviolis, but the prep work is sooo much longer than the enjoyment part....a couple of hours to make them, and just a few minutes to eat them, but they are so good!  The prep work for the kimchi is about the same, but the results last a lot longer - hopefully all winter.    

It worked out well to do them together.  I started the ravioli filling first so it could cool, then made the pasta so it could rest. Once those were prepped, we started the kimchi process.  We salted the cabbage and started the kimchi paste, again so it could cool. The cabbage needs to rest for 90 minutes after salting, and that's just about how long it took up to get the ravioli rolled out and made - good timing. Once we were done with the raviolis we could make the kimchi.  And then clean up the kitchen - what a mess!!!

Saturday, September 14, 2024

The "chicken quilt" is coming together. My plan - loosely - is to use 6 of the chicken panels and surround them with quilt blocks.  I have half of the quilt blocks done so far.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Again, unhelpful help when quilting....any non-straight fabric cuts I make are her fault!


Thursday, September 12, 2024

I did get the "Mystery Quilt" finished while I was on vacation.  It took forever to quilt it - I timed my quilting (yes, I'm still slow) and it took almost 30 minutes to quilt one row across - about 6 inches wide.  AJ is holding it up for me - he's 6' 6", and couldn't hold it off the ground by the corners.


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

I need new helpers....these are NOT helping!  James was stealing the tape I was using to hold the fabric stable on the floor, and Jessie just decided she needed a nap....


Monday, September 09, 2024

A couple more pictures from my walk with Ripley.  She enjoyed the McCloud River:

Lots of sniffs on the trails:

And she spotted a squirrel....

Sunday, September 08, 2024

And the Summer Block Party quilt is done, including a label.  As usual, I had help....

I like this quilt - it is a "happy" quilt, is very yellow/green.  It will need someone special to take it home, I think.

Saturday, September 07, 2024

I treated myself to a hike (really, just a walk...) on my birthday.  Ripley and I went to Lower and Middle McCloud Falls in the morning. As we approached Lower Falls, there was a group of school kids gathered at the viewing area, getting ready to start the hike to Middle Falls, so Rip and I started out a head of them.  The photos of Middle Falls came first - while it was still cool.  By the time I got back to Lower Falls, the hair was up in a pony tail!

 It was a beautiful morning!

Thursday, September 05, 2024

And just like that, I broke it....I was so excited to "play" with my new BBQ that I forgot to pay attention to a few things...One being that not all the burners were turned off!  I don't usually use the side burner and didn't even think about checking it when I seasoned the griddle.  The burner was on, the lid was down, overheated and melted part of the plastic.  Bummer.  I now have a permanent reminder to pay attention.

I did use the griddle last night for dinner though. It really did keep the heat down in the kitchen, so I'm a fan!  (We were 106 degrees here yesterday.....)

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

The birthday present I ordered for myself was delivered today!  I have it set up and ready to go and have seasoned the griddle. It will also use charcoal so it’s a three in one, a propane grill, a griddle, and charcoal grill.

The only downside was all those stickers on front were a bear to get off. Some came off quite nicely, but two of them required a lot of time.

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

I started some cat grass for the kittens, and noticed as it started to sprout that there were drops of water on the tips of the grass - too cool!!


Monday, September 02, 2024

I'm caught up on the Society Sparkler BOM (Block of the Month) quilt blocks - just in time to get another one next week.  Six blocks left to make - 3 months left in the project.  I might have this one done by Christmas???  I took a peek at the blocks remaining, and they are becoming more complex now. I'm not a fan of this block, but that's my own skill level.  It's a pretty block.

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Since my vacation plans got cancelled, instead of driving to Sac to pick up Margene and Jordan, I spent my afternoon quilting.  

I did have an issue with quilting the Summer Block Party quilt though - two kittens snuggled in for a nap when I took a break.