Saturday, October 21, 2023

I spent the first part of the week in Portland for a 2024 Strategic Planning meeting - a fun time to meet all the supervisors I've been working with since March!  The meetings were long, but fairly productive, so I figured that's a win!  The evenings were planned events as well - dinner at Margarita Station one night and an evening at Top Golf for another.  I am not a golfer, and luckily most everyone else wasn't either, so we played Angry Birds interesting game.  It's pretty liberal for allowing your shot to be anywhere near where you were supposed to be so even the worst of us showed some damage to the pigs.  I'm blaming my lack of scoring on my poor wounded wrist....(I sprained it while Rhioji was here) it was just beginning to feel better, but one too many times of hitting the ground instead of the golf ball made it just a bit sore again.


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