Sunday, April 02, 2023

I'm hoping it was an April Fools joke, but I could NOT get my new sewing machine to play nice yesterday ~  I spent a couple of hours fussing with it (most of that was ripping out what went wrong....)  It's the bobbin that I was having problems with - the bottom of my quilt looked like this:

I did finally get it going, but by then I had switched to a smaller quilt - easier to move around (and rip out the bad stitches...).  I'll try the Bar Star quilt after a bit more practice!!  I also was volunteering at the North State Cancer League fund raiser, so had to quit early.

I did have a few other issues as I was working. I'd be sewing along and then not be able to move the machine.  When I looked behind and beneath it, I could see the problem.....they are NOT helping!!!

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