Sunday, July 04, 2021

I have the first month done on my newest block-a-month quilt - and have started the second month (and the third month's fabric will be here any day....)  

Jeff and Kirby took off in their RV on Friday, and Ronna and Joe left Saturday, all bound for Kentucky.  Ronna will be there for most of the month of July (she's back to work August 2nd).  Jeff doesn't have any formal plans - he's wanting to look around the area to see if he wants to move there.  I'm flying back the 22nd for a week to visit.  Ronna and Joe bought 40 acres about 3 years ago in Leichtfield, and will be moving there when Ronna either sells her practice or December 2022 - whichever comes first, and she's had it for sale for several years, so it looks like she's just going to have to close it.  

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