This weekend, Ralph hung up my newly finished quilt in the hallway. He had one quilt hung already, but as you have seen in other posts, the quilt was longer than he thought, and it touched the floor. Indy thought it was a great hiding place! This time, Ralph hung the new quilt, which is slightly smaller, in that spot, and put the new quilt hanger higher on the wall. Now, neither of the quilts touch the floor - poor Indy! He was still hiding behind the quilt, just not very effectively (not that he was too effective the first time - he's a 20 pound cat trying to hide in a flat spot.....)
He found a new hiding spot....
I have covers over the 'extra' couches we have in the computer room - waiting to find their forever home - to keep the cat and dog hair off them. He is now hiding under the covers....and Luna is playing hide-and-seek with him. He still can't get completely covered - he is, after all, a 20 pound cat.....
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