Sunday, December 06, 2015

It's (almost) done!  They came in yesterday and fired up the fountain/waterfall in the back.  It still isn't complete, but it's holding water and the pump runs and we have waterfalls!  They will be back next Friday to finalize everything.  I'll get final photos after that.  It's been a bit hard to get good pictures - I'm gone before it's light outside and back when it's dark during the week, and - not that I'm complaining - it's been raining on the weekend.

I got a call last weekend from my 'other son'.  He asked if I could make a special Christmas present for his girlfriend.  It seems she's a huge hockey fan - the Flyers in particular.  Dallas requested a scarf with the Flyer's logo on it.  Here's one end of the scarf done:

They will be in on  the 16th, and I'd like to have it done by then.....we'll see.  I have until the 23rd, so no need to panic yet.

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