Saturday, August 06, 2011

The last of the pictures!  AJ getting his Eagle badge (the one I had to go back home to get!)

Me getting my "Mom badge" - yes - the one I had to go back home to get.

AJ Getting his hand-carved eagle neckerchief slide

AJ giving his 'mentor pin' to Ken.

Bill showing AJ his 'Eagle Staff' and the plaque he was going to put on for AJ's eagle.

Alli is still being good!

AJ giving Ralph his 'Dad' pin - yes, the one I had to go back home to get - and after all that, AJ forgot to give it to him in the regular ceremony! I was cutting the cake when AJ remembered to give it to him.  I'm glad we made it through - what a lot of fun memories!  Probably more memories because of the things that went wrong.

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