Saturday, June 25, 2011

Thank goodness for the weekend!  I think all I have done this week is rush!  With Allison in summer school, it meant a change to my morning routine,  She needs to be at daycare earlier, because the bus picks her up before 7:30.  That means we have to leave the house earlier, and I need to fix her breakfast because she may not be at daycare long enough to have breakfast there.  All of that means I have to get up earlier, and get her up earlier.  I think we have the routine down now, but it took a few days!  She only has one more week of summer school anyway, and we will be back to ''summer normal'.  Her school starts August 15th, so she will have a long break.

Work got busy again, too - the week I took off for vacation caught up with my desk.  We are also near the end of the month, and that is our busiest time, too - combining the two makes it really busy! I'm very glad I have the two extra people in my department - I would be way stressed by now if not!  Even with them, it is still busy, and it seems like someone is on vacation all the time now (and one of them was me :D )  Oh well, tis the season for vacations!  I'm looking forward to the three-day weekend next weekend too!

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