Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Now to catch up on what I did besides Nashville! Alli and I went to Mom's for Easter - a nice quiet weekend. Her puppy is so cute! Lily was a 'found' puppy, and has the best personality! She's a bit bigger than Koori, but not a lot - a good size! I tried to get a picture of her interacting with Allison. Alli was rocking in Dad's chair, and Lily was getting a petting out of it. Too cute. Alli usually ignores just our dogs.

Mom has her bird feeders out in front of the garage - and she has tons of finches. She also has blue birds building nests in the back area. Cool!

I also finished a doily - a bright spring-y color! My doily stock is building back up.

After I got back from Nashville, I got the guys working with me on Sunday, and got the fountain area finished (almost!)! Ralph and AJ put in some old railroad ties we had (we had railroad ties lying around??? I had no idea!) instead of the border I had gotten, and AJ and I hauled rock from the front driveway to the fountain area. Ralph raked in the rock,'s done (almost!) I picked up some stepping stones for the area, and then picked up a few more, and then....Ralph still doesn't like them and is trading them in for different ones. At least the hard part is done - now it is just the decorating! I think I need to visit my brother's rock pile in Susanville to see if he has any big, pretty rocks I can steal.

AJ trimmed up my camellias, so I can actually walk down the sidewalk now!

Alli's birthday is Thursday - she will be 14! How did that happen?

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