Sunday, July 04, 2010

Happy 4h of July! It looks like it will be a warm one here - but the wind is blowing, so it shouldn't be a scorcher at least!

We finally got Rufus out of hock yesterday. He had been at the vet's since Tuesday. I don't think they ever figured out what was the cause of his problem - all they could do was treat the symptoms and hope for the best. They think he might have gotten a bacterial infection in his GI system, could have been something else, too. He didn't start eating anything until Friday night, and still isn't eating much. He seems to be feeling better - he was quite vocal about asking for a green bean this morning when I fed the dogs. He didn't eat all of it, but at least he asked, and ate some of it! It's good to have him home again.

The other problem child (Picot) has been a normal pesky kitten, and is chasing the letters on the computer screen as I type right now. Makes it hard to see any typos when you can't see the screen! Good thing this has spell check! She loves the mouse too - I usually move the mouse on a different part of the screen so I can see what I am typing. She stole Koori's stuffed toy too! She was dragging around the little bear yesterday - she looked so cute! The bear is almost as big as she is.

She looks so innocent, doesn't she!

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