Sunday, January 03, 2010

Alli was up and running this morning at 5:15. I just threw her on the treadmill to try to work out some of her energy! I haven't put her on it in a while, and she was a bit hesitant about getting on, she is doing the "Allison bebop", so it must be okay. I guess I should get on after her!

I actually have been doing pretty good lately. The guys got me a Wii Fit Plus for Christmas, and I have been doing some exercises with it. According to the testing I do, I need to work on my balance and strength - big surprise, right? I am so uncoordinated on some of the tests that the computer generated trainer has to try hard to keep from laughing at me, I am sure! I have graduated to beating AJ's score in a couple of games - good for me! I am even jogging on the treadmill!

Alli got in 15 minutes (0.496 of a mile) on the treadmill before her face started looking 'not too excited now, Mom' and I took her off. Pretty good! She immediately lay down on the couch to watch TV, so maybe it did wear her out just a bit!

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