Thursday, April 16, 2009

Yesterday was a better "Alli" day. I won't say she was a perfect angel, but it was a better day. I didn't get much accomplished around the house, but I didn't try to either. I did go shopping - just for me! Alex and Dallas watched Alli for a couple of hours, and I hit a couple of stores. I didn't do too bad! For under $120, I got one dress, one top and skirt outfit, one pair of dress slacks, one long sleeve shirt, two short sleeved dress shirts, and a new purse! True to form, I ran out of patience shopping before I got everything I wanted to get. (Shopping is not high on my 'to-do' list to have fun - a little bit goes a long way!) A few items I still want to get - new shoes, including sneakers. Mine are old with no cushion left. Not that I do a lot more than just walk around in them, ones would be nice!

Today - the agenda calls for work in the front flower bed. I have edging for the front border to put in, and then new petunias, and some allisum, (spelling? little white flowers, good for edges) to put in, along the new border. Alex has a soccer scrimmage today at 5:30, so I think I'll get out of making dinner. (Probably not - I'll just make a casserole or something for Ralph to put in the oven!) Not too ambitious, but...we'll see if I even get this much done!

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