Sunday, February 25, 2007

I (finally) finished this doily. I actually made 2 or 3 of them by the time I frogged (rip-it, rip-it) the rows as many times as I had to. Usually, I can watch TV or a movie and do just fine, but somehow on this doily, I forgot to count too!
Ralph got to go emergency shopping yesterday. Alli's VCR machine broke! No Pokemon! Bad News! He went out yesterday afternoon and got a brand new VHS and recordable DVD player, so she is up and running this morning. Last night she was stuck with the one DVD of Pokemon we have, over, and over, and over.
Alli has been doing well lately. This last week, we had two notes home from school. On Tuesday, she "had a super day. She was cooperative, so happy and so high energy. She chose to stand for many projects (instead of sitting) and was excited by scented bubbles. She even did great walking around the track." I asked if they had the right kid and the right notebook? It didn't sound like Alli! Then on Friday, they wrote that one of the other kids got her to dance with him, and they made a George Washington hat and played with her with it. They showed her herself in the hat in the mirror, and she started kissing the mirror! Just the fact she was "playing" was great, and then to "interact" with the mirror was even better!

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