Wednesday, December 01, 2010

I'm out of enthusiasm! I need something to get me all fired up for Christmas! Maybe if I decorate the house tonight? I asked AJ to set the tree up for me when he gets in from school, but if not, that will be on the agenda tonight. Maybe that will get me in the Christmas mood! I can't believe it is almost here, and that it is almost 2011. Where does the time go? (I know - most of it disappears at work and doing routine chores. I need to find a way to get out of those things, somehow, and just have time for the fun stuff!)

Last night was Webelos Night at Scouts. We had 14 first and second year Webelos visiting the troop. The plan is to keep the boys busy, and the Troop Master sells to the parents, so when they are old enough, the boys join our troop. Keeping our normal scouts busy and having fun is a chore already - add 14 younger boys to that mix! It was a fun night. I think the boys all enjoyed themselves. we had different areas set up for the boys to make neckerchief slides, and a contest to see who could build the highest free standing paper tower, using only paper and a small amount of tape. It kept them busy! This year, I really didn't have to oversee anything, the older scouts were great at taking charge of the younger scouts - perfect!

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