Friday, April 17, 2009

I'm not a happy camper right now! Doesn't Willey just look so sweet and innocent, curled up on Alex, sleeping?
He just killed one of my finches! (Willey, not Alex) Bad Cat! Life was running quietly this morning, just Allison and myself up, and I had just started checking e-mails when I heard Willey hit the cage. The poor little bird was dead by the time I got in there. I didn't see any marks on him, nor feathers flying around, so I think he just scared him to death, or scared him enough to make him fly into the side of the cage and break his neck. Poor baby! I've stopped replacing the finches when they die now, mainly because of the cause of death (Willey!) so I am down to two. Bad Cat!
Speaking of killed - here is one of my brand new tomato plants I put out - killed! I put them out on the 14th, and the 'local folklore' is that you shouldn't plant until after the 15th in Redding. They were right - it got down to 32 degrees on the night of the 14th, and I lost two tomato plants, and two pepper plants - almost half my garden in one blow! Since it is supposed to be in the mid 80's this weekend, this was probably the last freeze of the year, and I had to plant that day!
Alex and I took Alli for a bike ride yesterday. It wasn't a great success, mainly because I think, the seat was too low on Alli's bike, and she couldn't move her feet. She did okay for the first half of the ride, and then started crying, so we walked the last little bit home (from the corner of Bonita). She still cried part of the way home while walking, but was pretty cheerful by the time we got to the house. She even turned into the right driveway, with no prompting from me - I was very happy to see that! I think she forgave me, as she was pretty good all day for me. Prior to the bike ride, she even walked a mile on the treadmill, so she got some exercise in yesterday!
Here is a picture of my shopping booty from Wednesday! I spent part of yesterday rearranging my closets - putting winter stuff away and bringing spring/summer stuff out. Quite a bit of my closet went to a box for either a garage sale or to Goodwill - depending on whether or not we participate in the local neighborhood garage sale - set for May 2nd this year. If we want to have a sale, that is the best time - the neighborhood is filled with people.

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