Wednesday, March 30, 2022

I got my garden in - the tomatoes went in a couple of weeks ago, and I planted peppers, beans, peas, and zucchini Saturday.  By the time I got a picture taken,, "someone" had already broken one of the pepper plants....I may not get a lot of produce this year if the dogs don't stay out!  I already had a word or two with Ripley - she was supposed to keep the squirrels out of the yard, but my beds were full of baby oak trees - evidence that she was sleeping on the job....


Tuesday, March 29, 2022

I've been working remote again - at least some days, and am walking the dogs at lunch (until it gets too hot!!)  The wildflowers have been out.....


Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Monday was the first day after the computer conversion to the new bank…. So I felt it was very important to be there to help my team through learning the new complete system and processes. So what happens???  Alli’s helper called in sick. Even worse, she called in to her employer, but they didn’t call me, even after I called in to them twice….  I was so frustrated with  everything by the time I figured out I was not going to go to work that I started cleaning….I worked off my mad by 1:00, but was only halfway through the project…

I started with washing down one wall in the kitchen and ended up washing and scrubbing all the cabinets and oiling them.   Here’s the door to the garage before:

And after

This shows half of one of the cabinets done:

And finished 

All in all, a productive day, but I’m a day  behind  my team for setting up my computer.  I made good progress yesterday but I don’t think the conversion went well for many of our loans…and I don’t feel like taking them I told you so.  They didn’t listen to anything we try to tell them, and it costumers will beat the brunt of it.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Playing with the camera on the new phone - Spring is here!!!


Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Here are a few of my arrangements of the blocks of the baby quilt - I think I took longer playing with the blocks than it took for me to make them!  I settled on the bottom picture for the quilt, and decided to add a heart to the white square - which I haven't done yet, but....the  quilt top is sewn together...