Monday, November 14, 2011

A couple of finished projects - I made another pair of motorcycle booties.  Ralph didn't like the buckle on the first pair, so I used the pattern's design (like I should have the first time?) and made another pair.  They are cute, I admit!

I didn't like the size of the first bookmark I made, so I downsized the letters and made another one.  Only problem - I switched the order of the letters!  I really like the lettering in the larger bookmark, so I may try it in size 30 thread, and then try to dye it pink.  We'll see how for I get on that project!

I thought all the frogs had gone into hibernation, but yesterday afternoon, I had this little guy back on my kitchen window.  (Don't you just love the African violets!)

Picot decided to help me yesterday, as I was trying to pay bills and balance the check book.  She was not a lot of help!!!

She loves to sit in front of the computer screen - which is fine is she lays down, but she's hard to see through if she doesn't!

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