Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Woohoo! I got a reprieve! A few weeks ago at an adult Scout meeting, I promised AJ that I would go snow camping with him next weekend They needed more adults for the camping trip, and he wasn't comfortable about being one of two adult leaders yet. Since then, more adults are able to make it, but I still stuck going. Last night at the scout meeting, they decided to camp outside of Cottonwood instead of up in the snow. Of course, the real reason is because there isn't much snow any more up at Eskimo Hill, due to the beautiful weather we've been having, but I'll take it. Instead, we are now camping on a 400+ acre private ranch with two ponds on it - much more to my liking than in the snow! Hopefully the weather holds out and it is a nice weekend. I don't like snow camping, and I don't like wet camping. (Yes, I am a fair weather camper!)

AJ is responsible for one meal while we are camping, so I am fixing dinner Saturday night for 6-8 adults. Hmmmm - how does that work out?? He's responsible, and I'm doing the cooking?? He had better be helping me! AJ suggested I make French Dip sandwiches, so....I am off tonight to pick up a roast, so I can get it cooked and sliced up. Not too bad for a menu item - everything is already cooked, so it will just be a matter of warming everything up there. (French Dip sandwiches, garlic bread, salad - easy!) The camping spot is beautiful, so I hope to get some good pictures while I am there.

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