Wednesday, April 26, 2017

One of the reasons we chose last weekend for the trip to McCloud was so we could see the dogwoods in bloom along the river, and go mushroom hunting.  Since is has been such a cold, wet Spring, neither happened.  We managed to find a few dogwood blooms, but no mushrooms.  

This dogwood tree had just started blooming - the flowers were still a pale green.  (Credit for this photo goes to Leona...).  The McCloud River Trail has tons of dogwood trees, so in a couple of weeks, the walk will be even prettier.

The manzanita bushes were blooming though...

The willows were turning red....

An lots of wildflowers on the Pacific Crest Trail....

Back on the ranch, we did find one dogwood tree in bloom.

And a few wildflowers, but we were mostly in the treed area looking for mushrooms - not a lot of flowers there, and no mushrooms either.

One old, gnarly apple tree was starting to bloom.  This tree is just off to the side of what's left of the brick fireplace of the house that Leona's mother grew up in.  Margene and I want to try out the apples from it this telling how old the tree is - it may have been planted when the house was built.  Leona said it has been there as long as she can remember, but would check with her Mom.

Out in the field, by one of the water ditches, there was a sandhill crane.  I've never seen one before - their coloring is beautiful!  (I was quite a distance away, so this is really zoomed in.....)

Leona also had a woodpecker that posed for me - right outside her back door.

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