Saturday, October 15, 2016

Thursday morning - somewhere around 1:00 a.m., Ralph came in to the bedroom and said "Deni, get up and look outside!"  Not something you want to hear waking you from a not-so-sound sleep.....When I stumbled out of bed saying "I need my glasses to see" he said "Not to see this...."  The sky outside our bedroom window was lit up orange, and you could see flames.....

There was a fire in the field behind the subdivision that started at Meadowview and had burned down past our place - 1/4 mile in at least.  This was the night that the big storm was coming in, so we had winds around 50 MPH (which explains the not-so sound sleep mentioned above) that was luckily followed by rain.  With the wind whipping the fire about, without the rain, it could have taken a very nasty turn.  No damage to any structures, though it burned up to the fence line of the houses on Hermosa.

The TV station KRCR had this video on Facebook (go here) of the fire as well - you get a better idea of the winds.....

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