Monday, November 02, 2015

Halloween 2015

I know I'm late getting Halloween pictures up, but...I was busy!

My department decided to dress up as a circus freak show this year - an interesting idea.  We decorated our area as a circus, with 'bars' around our office areas.  We had peanuts and popcorn available.  Here's a look at our department from the outside:

And the inside:

Malorie was the fire-eating woman, Fiona the Fierc Fire-eater to be precise.

Chan was the bearded lady - Beatrix the Beautiful Bearded Lady:

Linsay was Giselle the Grand Gypsy

Jackie was Consula the Comely Contortionist:

I was Tatiana the Tallest Tattooed Lady.

The group of us together:

Operations were cave people:

Credit Underwriters were Crossfit people:

A fun time was had by all - Operations won the prize (2nd place - Starbuck cards) for their costumes, along with the Buenaventura Branch - they dressed up as Alice in Wonderland (1st prize was lunch for the department).  I didn't get a chance to see them though.  That was a crazy amount of work for a $10.00 lunch though, and we didn't even win!

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