Saturday, October 19, 2013

Note - this should have been posted 10/4 - somehow I forgot to finish it!!

I just spent a surprisingly fun evening stuffing bags for Think Pink.  In a couple of weeks, they will give away 60,000 bags with breast cancer awareness items in them - including a pink carnation and a 2014 calendar.  I helped fill some of those tonight.  I didn't keep track of how many, but a rough guess for my 'team' (an ever changing number of people working at the table) I would say 400 bags.  I only knew one other person there - or at least that's all I thought I knew, so it was fun talking with different people.  Turns out there was a former co-worker there (currently working for another bank) and a friend of the family from Ralph's side, who works at North Valley Bank.  It must have been bank night.  There was someone from US Bank at my table, as well as a lady that had retired from B of A.  It was a fun 2 hours - they ran out of some of the items, so I was done at 7:30, and was home in time to put Alli to bed (twice - she went once at 8:10, and was up again at 8:45.  Hopefully she's down for the night now.)

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