Sunday, March 04, 2012

Just as I hoped, a quiet weekend (so far).  Ralph has a cold, so we aren't doing too much any way.  I opened window yesterday to let the beautiful day in, and dried sheets on the line as well - they smelled so good last night!  I forgot to close those windows last night, so this morning it was a bit chilly in the house.  It's 37 degrees outside now - a big difference from the 75 of yesterday afternoon!  I baked bread yesterday - french bread loaves - and we had some with dinner last night - wonderful!!  The recipe makes two large loaves, so one is going home with AJ's friend today to his house.

I did finish up a small doily (pictures later, I hope) last night.  I'm not exactly happy with my color choices, but...I'm not going to rip it out, so it stays as it is.  I also have a baby hat I want to finish today, and I also plan on finishing my quilt (at least as much as I have fabric for.)  I'm hoping to get some yard work done today.  It sounds like an ambitious day - we'll see what I actually get done.

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