Monday, November 01, 2010

We're off and running - another Monday! It's already started out ugly - while I was fixing Alli's lunch this morning, she made a mess in her room. Not how I wanted to start my week! Oh well - my fault! I know not to ignore her when she first gets up - even if it is "just for a minute".

I had help around the house yesterday too - the usual help I get! She is ever so helpful when you're folding clothes.

A while back, Mom rescued some plants that I was killing at my house. On her last trip down, she brought them back - all healthy and ready to bloom! Aren't they beautiful!

The dogs and I went for a walk yesterday - intermittent sunshine, but still a good walk.

It was a very slow Halloween last night too - very few kids. We were asked so many time that it got to the point that if there were parents with the kids, we automatically told them the score on the game (we had the game on the TV and they could see it from the door.) Ralph pointed out that he didn't see a lot of Dad's with the kids - they must have stayed home to watch the game!

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