Tuesday, April 10, 2007

We got the garden planted yesterday! If everything grows, I will be in so much trouble! I think we planted 8 tomato plants, 5 pepper plants, 4 hills of cucumbers, and two rows of beans. I have 2 cherry tomato plants, and one Better Boy, one Jubilee Yellow, and the some exotics and heirlooms. I have a Box Car Willy - just because that is the name of one of our cats, a Cherokee Purple, a Pineapple and a Roma tomato plant. I also have 2 green bell peppers, 2 Jalapeno peppers, and one red bell pepper plant. For cucumbers, I have one hill of burpless cucumbers, one hill of yellow banana cucumbers and 2 hills of lemon cucumbers. Wish me some luck, but not so much I am buried in veggies!

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